报告题目:Going Green In China: Firms’ Responses to stricter environmental regulations
报 告 人:樊海潮(复旦大学)
复旦大学威斯尼斯人5845cc国际官网教授,香港科技大学经济学博士,国家级人才项目获得者,主要从事国际经济与贸易理论和实证研究,在国内外知名经济学期刊《经济研究》《管理世界》《世界经济》《经济学(季刊)》《Economic Journal》《Economic Theory》《Journal of Development Economics》《Journal of International Economics》《Review of Economics and Statistics》等发表多篇高水平论文。
This paper examines the effect of stringent environmental regulations on firms' environmental practices, economic performance, and environmental innovation. Reducing COD levels by 10% relative to 2005 levels is an aim of the Chinese 11th Five-Year Plan. Using a difference-in-differences framework based on a comprehensive firm-level dataset, we find that more stringent environmental regulations faced by firms are positively associated with a greater probability of reducing COD emissions; also, there exists an evident heterogeneous effect across industries with different pollution intensities. Stricter environmental regulations also account for the sharp decline in firms' profits, capital, and labor. After executing a complete chain of tests of the underlying mechanisms, we find that firms rely more on recycling and abatement investment than on innovations when meeting environmental requirements.